As an artist, I see myself as a spirit guide. I use my focus to uncover the deepness of reality, which can often seen flattened by the sameness of everyday life.

I use a variety of media to tell my stories because each one offers a unique perspective.


My inspiration comes from everything around me. I feel that everything is a part of nature. Trees, flowers, and mountains are obvious sources of energy, but I also find inspiration in the stories of people. I was born and raised in the heart of a bustling metropolis. To me, old cities are like living, breathing organisms - an extension of nature itself.

Energy is everywhere, and it's the driving force behind my work.

To keep my connection to the magic of the world open, I practice meditation. It's my way of leaving a door open for transcendence so that I can continue to bring the light of spirit to the world through my work. I invite you to join me on this journey, to see the magic that surrounds us all.