Cherry Orchard 2022

Like the Chechovs play, "Cherry Orchard 2022" I depicted my perception of the Russian cultural epoch end. The cherry trees -diminished into houseplants symbolize the remnants of a once-thriving culture and its beauty, degraded after the 1917 revolution, and the fact that they are the only surviving representation of the original orchard speaks to the decline of Russian cultural values over time. Despite being kept alive by the intelligentsia during the Soviet era, the war against Ukraine in 2022 marks the final destruction of the culture as even the houseplant pots are broken by a Russian soldier, emphasizing the devastating consequences of the unfair war.

Acryl on canvas, 36x48


In the midst of destruction,
Amidst the rubble and the decay,
A woman stands before the sunflowers,
Dancing freely as if to say:

"Though our city may be wounded,
And our hearts may bear the scars,
We will not be defeated,
We'll rise above the war."

For in the fields of sunflowers,
There is a hope that can't be quelled,
A spirit that can't be broken,
A fire that can't be felled.

Acryl on canvas, 24x24

July 2022

Narrow Bridge

As an artist, I believe that life is a journey full of challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation. The concept of the Narrow Bridge, as taught in Kabbalah, has always fascinated me, as it represents the spiritual journey of human life as a connection between the physical world to the spiritual realm.

In this picture I seek to capture the magic and mystery of life, inviting viewers to embrace their inner strength and faith and to trust in the unknown. 

Live your life fiercely, walk through the Narrow Bridge with courage and determination, and embrace the uncertainty that comes with growth and change.

Watercolor and Ink on Paper, 24x36

Dec 2022


With wings of brass and feathered gears,

And eyes that gleam with steely light,

He soars above the cityscape,

A symbol of courage and might.

Acryl on canvas 36x48

May 2022

Time and Timeless

I painted my moms portret on her 85 yo birthday. She didnt like it. She said - I am so old! Why did you paint me so old?! Paint me young, paint me when I was 18! And so I did and she is 18 in her yard in Petersburg,


Under twilight's gentle gleam,
Stands my dreamweaver friend with an umbrella, serene.

She thinks her job is to awake you,

But… her magical umbrella shows dreams anew.

She wants to shield from the boring grey, And holds it high, night and day. Purple and full of dreams so bright, Unfolding while she spins it in the night.

In her care, dreams softly stream, Under her umbrella, you are part of the dream.

